Cheap Custom Error Pages Blog Web Hosting

Our cheap custom error pages blog web hosting allows you to present error pages that are more friendly and help users find the page they were looking for.

We've all seen the dreaded Error 404 message - the result of broken links and mistyped URLs. Some of the most common error messages are:

400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized User
403 Access Forbidden
404 Page Not Found
406 Not Acceptable
500 Internal Server Error

These types of error messages can make visitors feel that your site either does not exist or is broken. This is not good!

Custom error pages overcome this problem by presenting pages that are more friendly and help users find the page they were looking for.

We provide an easy to use control panel to help create and manage custom error pages.

For those web hosts that do not have an easy method to create and manage custom error pages, you still may be able to setup custom error pages using a .htaccess file.

Step 1:
Create a plain text file using a text editor such as Windows Notepad.

Step 2:
Add the following text...


<Files .htaccess>
order allow,deny
deny from all
ErrorDocument 404 /home/user/public_html/404.shtml



  1. The first 4 lines prevents people from viewing your .htaccess file.

  2. The last line tells Apache to redirect all 404 errors to the page /home/user/public_html/404.shtml

Step 3:
Save the file as a plain text file. Name the file ".htaccess"

Step 4:
Upload the .htaccess file in ASCII mode to your web space using an FTP application.

Step 5:
Create a 404.shtml page using your favorite web page creation software.


  1. Don't automatically redirect to the home page. This may annoy some visitors.

  2. Show a friendly error message. Use a more informal tone. "Oops! This page must have been deleted or moved."

  3. Include your site map on the error page.

  4. Include a method for visitors to easily contact you on the error page such as a contact form or chat script.

  5. Capture the referring page via the HTTP_REFERER server variable. Notify webmasters of these sites that the link is no longer valid.

  6. To prevent search engines from spiddering your error pages, add the following line between the <head> and </head> tags on the error page:


Step 6:
Upload the 404.html page to the same location as listed in your .htaccess file (/home/user/public_html/404.shtml)

Step 7:
Try it out. Go to a page on your site that does not exist.

Check out our cheap custom error pages personal web hosting packages today.

Custom Error Pages

Custom Error Pages Hosting

Cheap Custom Error Pages Blog Web Hosting

Custom Error Pages Web Hosting


Custom error pages support is free and is included in all web hosting packages. You can easily setup custom error pages using the control panel.



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